Dear Central 104 Families,
As you are aware, there are two confirmed cases of COVID-19 in St. Clair County. The media reports that they are both under quarantine after returning from travel abroad. This news has caused some parents to ask if we should cancel tomorrow’s half day. We are still planning to hold 1⁄2 day of school for our students tomorrow. This will allow us to distribute material to students, send home resources and guide students on how to complete the continuity of learning activities during the closure. If you choose to keep your student home from school tomorrow, the day will be excused.
The state has informed us that there is a possibility that the closure may last for more than 2 weeks. If you need your child’s medication or other materials during the closure, please pick them up tomorrow between the hours of 8:00am and 3:30pm. Central 104 is making plans to deliver lunch to areas populated with students who receive free and reduced lunch. We will also have a drive thru area set up at Joseph Arthur Middle School for any student who is in need of a lunch during the closure. More details will be sent as they become available.
Be smart and stay healthy. Thank you for taking care of yourself and each other.
Dawn Elser, Superintendent