Community Feed My Lambs 2020: A group of local churches and the O’Fallon Y, partnering in the Community Feed My Lambs program, will be in neighborhoods each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ÂÂÂÂÂJune 1 through August 7, to distribute free sack lunches to children. There is NO GUARANTEE of a lunch; this is a completely volunteer sponsored program. ALL TIMES AND STOPS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. If you are interested in this service, come to the stop closest to you AT or BEFORE the designated time. All routes are in the OTHS district.
11:15-11:23 Hill Drive and Renee Drive
11:28-11:35 Crestview Drive and Creekview Drive
11:45-11:55 Meadowbrook Drive and Black Hills Drive
12:05-12:20 Castle Acres Mobile Home Park Playground
Stops are similar to the ones used by the schools district, BUT the times are different. Please maintain social distance at the stops; wear a mask if possible and bring a bag to carry the lunches home.